Ultimate Guide to Airsoft Hop Up (With Recommendations)

 guide for airsoft hop up system

Hop-up units are extremely important for every airsoft gun’s performance, as they directly impact the accuracy of a replica.

If you’re an airsoft enthusiast looking to improve your game, understanding and optimizing your airsoft hop-up system is crucial.

The fact is that a replica can have 500 FPS, yet it will be outperformed by a 300 FPS replica with a high-quality hop-up unit.

In this comprehensive article, we’ll delve into the world of airsoft hop-ups, exploring their types, and functions, troubleshooting common issues, and tips for optimal performance.

You’ll also find a few recommendations for the best hop-up units you can find on the market which will provide your airsoft replica with that high-tier accuracy you’ve been dreaming about!

What is an Airsoft Hop Up?


An airsoft hop-up refers to a mechanism within airsoft guns designed to impart backspin on the BBs, increasing their range and accuracy. It achieves this by creating a controlled resistance on the BBs as they exit the barrel, causing them to lift and counteract the force of gravity.

This is possible due to something called the “Magnus” effect in physics. It refers to a situation when a sphere object spins in a fluid and thus gets affected in a trajectory it further travels.

This is common in soccer where players kick the ball which due to its aerodynamic properties continues to cut through the air, but in a spinning motion which allows players to score accurate hits and score a goal.

You can view the hop-up functionating as the soccer player’s foot which hits the ball under the right angle with calculated force (in an airsoft gun, the force is generated in a gearbox).

Purpose and Function

The primary purpose of an airsoft hop-up is to stabilize and enhance the flight path of BBs. By applying backspin, it counteracts the natural trajectory of BBs, allowing them to maintain a flatter trajectory over longer distances. This results in improved accuracy and range, giving you a competitive edge on the field.

This is something that the manufacturers of high-tier airsoft guns understand pretty well, just take Tokyo Marui as an example.

TM airsoft guns don’t have the strongest FPS, but their hop-up units are admired for a reason.

Consistency and Precision

Consistency is key in airsoft, and the hop-up system helps achieve it. With a properly adjusted hop-up, you can ensure consistent backspin on every BB, resulting in predictable flight patterns and better shot-to-shot consistency. This consistency allows you to make precise adjustments to your aim, improving overall precision.

Types of Airsoft Hop-Up Systems

There are several types of hop-up systems commonly used in airsoft guns. Let’s explore them briefly:

Fixed Hop Up

The fixed hop-up system is a basic design found in entry-level airsoft guns. It provides a fixed amount of hop-up, which cannot be adjusted. While simple to use, it lacks the versatility and fine-tuning capabilities of other systems.

Adjustable Hop Up

The adjustable hop-up system allows users to modify the hop-up effect by adjusting the amount of backspin applied to the BBs. This versatility enables players to adapt their hop-up settings based on BB weight, field conditions, and personal preferences.

Rotary Hop Up

The rotary hop-up system is a popular choice among experienced airsoft players. It features a rotary dial that allows for precise adjustment of the hop-up effect. This system provides enhanced control and the ability to fine-tune the performance of your airsoft gun.

How Does an Airsoft Hop-Up Work?

The functioning of an airsoft hop-up system involves two primary components: the inner barrel and the hop-up unit.

The inner barrel is responsible for guiding the BBs through the airsoft gun. It features a narrow bore, ensuring a snug fit for the BBs, and is equipped with a hop-up unit near the chamber end.

The hop-up unit consists of a bucking and a hop-up nub. The bucking is a rubber sleeve that surrounds the BB as it passes through the hop-up unit. It creates friction and applies pressure on the BB, allowing for the desired backspin. The hop-up nub, usually made of rubber or silicon, presses against the bucking and aids in applying the necessary backspin.

As the BB travels through the hop-up unit and exits the barrel, the bucking imparts a backspin on it. This backspin generates lift, counteracting gravity and keeping the BB in the air for a longer time. By stabilizing the flight of the BB, the hop-up system helps improve accuracy, range, and consistency.

Understanding bucking (rubber)

Upgrading the bucking can significantly impact the hop-up performance. High-quality aftermarket buckings can offer improved air seal, better consistency, and enhanced backspin control.

What degree is best for a bucking?

In the context of airsoft, degrees refer to the different hardness levels of hop-up rubbers or buckings. Hop-up rubbers are the small pieces of material placed within the hop-up chamber that come into contact with the BB. The rubber’s hardness determines the amount of pressure applied to the BB, affecting the spin and trajectory.

The best degree for a hop-up chamber can vary depending on factors such as the weight of the BBs, the power of the airsoft gun, and the desired range and accuracy. Generally, hop-up rubbers are available in different degrees, such as 50, 60, 70, 80, and so on, with higher numbers indicating harder rubbers.

Choosing the best degree involves finding the right balance between hop-up pressure and the characteristics of the BBs being used.

Softer hop-up rubbers (lower degree) provide more contact and grip on the BB, resulting in increased backspin and lift. This can be useful for lighter BBs or lower-powered guns, as it helps them achieve better range and accuracy.

On the other hand, harder hop-up rubbers (higher degree) apply less pressure on the BB, resulting in less backspin. This can be advantageous for heavier BBs or higher-powered guns, as it prevents excessive spin that could negatively affect trajectory and range.

Ultimately, determining the best degree for a hop-up chamber requires some experimentation and consideration of various factors, including the specific airsoft gun, BB weight, desired range, and personal preferences.

It’s worth noting that different manufacturers may use different numbering systems or terminologies to indicate the degree of their hop-up rubbers, so it’s essential to consult the product documentation or seek recommendations from experienced airsoft players or professionals in order to make an informed decision.

In general, a rule of thumb you can use is that a lower degree rubber such as 50-60 is ideal for most airsoft guns with 350-400 FPS, while higher degrees rubbers should be reserved for the guns with higher FPS.

Understanding Nub Modification

The hop-up nub’s shape and hardness can also affect the hop-up performance. Some players prefer modifying or replacing the stock nub to achieve better control and more precise adjustments. Flat-hop and R-hop modifications are popular choices among airsoft enthusiasts seeking enhanced hop-up performance.

Flat Hop vs R Hop

The flat hop modification involves modifying the hop-up bucking and nub to achieve improved performance. Here’s how it works:

  1. Bucking Modification: The stock bucking is modified by flatting the contact patch on the inside of the bucking. This modification allows for better contact with the BB and enhances the consistency of the backspin.
  2. Nub Replacement: The stock hop-up nub is replaced with a flat hop nub or a modified nub, such as an eraser or silicon tubing. This change provides a wider and flatter surface area for more even pressure distribution on the bucking, resulting in improved hop-up control.

The flat hop modification offers increased consistency and range compared to the stock hop-up system. It provides better contact between the bucking and BB, reducing inconsistencies in backspin and improving overall accuracy.

The R-hop modification takes the concept of the flat hop further by introducing a unique hop-up patch. Here’s how it differs from the flat hop:

  1. Hop-Up Patch: In an R-hop modification, a specialized patch made of materials like silicone or PTFE (Teflon) is installed inside the hop-up chamber. This patch provides a more consistent and even surface for the BB to make contact with, resulting in improved backspin and flight characteristics.
  2. Precision Machining: Creating an R-hop requires precision machining of the hop-up chamber and inner barrel. The patch is carefully fitted to match the curvature of the barrel, ensuring optimal contact and consistent performance.

The R-hop modification is known for providing exceptional range, accuracy, and consistency. Its precise fitting and unique hop-up patch design allows for improved air seal and BB contact, resulting in enhanced performance, especially when using heavier BBs.

Choosing Between Flat Hop and R-hop

The choice between flat hop and R-hop modifications depends on your specific needs and preferences. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Simplicity: Flat hop modifications are generally easier to perform compared to R-hop, which requires precision machining and installation of the hop-up patch.
  • Performance: R-hop modifications tend to offer superior performance in terms of range, accuracy, and consistency, especially with heavier BBs. However, flat hop upgrades still provide significant improvements over the stock hop-up system.
  • Skill Level: If you’re new to hop-up modifications, starting with a flat hop upgrade might be a more accessible option (however, I would still recommend that you put in a bit more work and go for an R-hop, it’s worth it). R-hop modifications require more technical expertise and precision.

In conclusion, both flat hop and R-hop modifications can elevate the performance of your airsoft hop-up system. The flat top provides increased consistency and range, while the R-hop takes it a step further with its unique hop-up patch design. Consider your skill level, desired performance, and willingness to invest time and effort when choosing between the two.

Best Hop-up units for accuracy (recommended)

There are many hop-up units you can find on the airsoft market, but I’ll recommend a few choices that I personally find useful.

Usually, when a hop-up is changed a good inner barrel should follow it, and I am a believer in R-Hops, so I’ll give you complete sets which will possibly save you some money while also providing you with the quality from the finest airsoft brands.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Despite the effectiveness of hop-up systems, airsoft players may encounter some common issues. Here are two frequently encountered problems and their possible solutions:

BBs Curving to One Side

If your BBs consistently curve to one side, it could indicate an alignment issue with the hop-up unit. Try disassembling the hop-up unit, inspecting the bucking and nub for any damage or misalignment, and reassembling it carefully. Additionally, ensure the inner barrel is clean and free from obstructions.

Inconsistent Hop

Inconsistent hop-up can lead to erratic shot patterns. Check if the hop-up adjustment is secure and not shifting during gameplay. Ensure the bucking is properly seated and the hop-up dial or lever is functioning correctly. Adjust the hop-up setting incrementally to find the sweet spot.

Tips for Optimal Hop-Up Settings

Achieving the perfect hop-up settings can be a process of trial and error. Here are some tips to help you find the optimal settings for your airsoft gun:

  1. Start with a baseline: Begin with the hop-up setting at its neutral position and test the BB trajectory. Gradually increase the hop-up until you notice the desired backspin and range.
  2. Consider BB weight: Different BB weights may require adjustments to the hop-up setting. Heavier BBs generally require more hop-up to achieve optimal performance, while lighter BBs may need less.
  3. Test in different conditions: Factors such as temperature, humidity, and wind can affect hop-up performance. Experiment with your settings in various field conditions to find the most consistent and accurate results.
  4. Fine-tune incrementally: Make small adjustments to the hop-up setting and test the BB flight after each change. This allows you to pinpoint the ideal setting without making drastic adjustments.
  5. Take notes: Keep a log of your hop-up settings and their performance in different scenarios. This will help you track the settings that work best for specific BB weights, field conditions, and airsoft guns.


A properly tuned and optimized hop-up system is a game-changer in airsoft, providing enhanced accuracy, range, and consistency.

Understanding the different types of hop-up systems, how they work, and troubleshooting common issues will allow you to fine-tune your airsoft gun for optimal performance. Remember to experiment, take notes, and regularly maintain your hop-up system for consistent results on the battlefield.

With a proper hop-up system and a good inner barrel, you’ll already have a crazy-performing airsoft replica even if there’s still room to upgrade the rest of the gun.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Can I adjust the hop-up during a game?

Yes, most airsoft guns allow for on-the-fly hop-up adjustments. However, it’s recommended to make minor adjustments during breaks or downtime to avoid distraction and maintain focus.

How often should I clean my inner barrel?

The frequency of cleaning depends on factors such as field conditions and BB quality. As a general guideline, cleaning the inner barrel every 1,000 rounds or before and after each game day is a good practice.

Can I use silicone oil on my hop-up bucking?

Don’t use any silicone oil and similar product which contains petroleum-based oil, these products can destroy rubber, so only use the products which are petroleum free!

Choosing the right lubricant for your airsoft gun is super important.

Should I upgrade my hop-up right away?

Upgrading your hop-up system immediately may not be necessary, especially if you’re just starting in airsoft. It’s recommended to first become familiar with your airsoft gun’s performance and hop-up adjustments before considering upgrades.

However, this is the best upgrade you can do along with a barrel when you are ready.

Can a hop-up improve the FPS (feet per second) of my airsoft gun?

Yes, the rubber upgrade might affect the FPS but only for a small amount (no more than 20 FPS). The hop-up system does not directly impact the FPS of an airsoft gun. Its primary function is to improve accuracy and range by imparting backspin on the BBs, but a better seal can have a positive impact on velocity.


Dino is a thrill seeker who loves to share what he learns about his favorite hobbies.

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